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Noah And The Whale

英国伦敦的独立流行乐团\r   组成于2006年英国伦敦的Noah And The Whale。\r 主唱/吉他手Charlie Fink、鼓手Doug Fink兄弟以及小提琴手Tom Hobden和贝斯手Matt Urby为原始四名成员。\r   团名灵感来自于美籍年轻鬼才导演Noah Baumbach横扫各大独立影展的小成本电影「The Squid And The Whale」。创作核心Charlie自小即秀出对音乐上的灵敏度,喜欢拿吉他哼哼唱唱,从随身听传来Bob Dylan、Neil Young的音符找寻写歌灵感。 Noah And The Whale幸运协助来自加拿大并已有知名度的Feist、Broken Social Scene等歌手/团体作巡回演出,累积许多死忠乐迷追随,也因为跟了才女Laura Marling的合作,让Laura一边忙着自己的事业,一边在2008年5月加入Noah And The Whale,协助所有合音的部份。\r \r London, England based pop group Noah and the Whale (Charlie Fink (vocals, guitar, harmonica, ukulele), Tom Hobden (fiddle), Urby (harmonium, bass), Laura Marling (backing vocals), and Doug Fink (drums)) released their first single, "Five Years Time," on the Young and Lost Club label in September of 2007. With their momentum strong from the release and a positive response to their live show, the band released single number two, "2 Bodies, 1 Heart," in January of 2008. They were soon signed to a major-label deal and began working on their debut album. Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down was released on CherryTree/Vertigo/Interscope in September of 2008.
