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Hernán Cattáneo

2004年百大DJ第6名、2005年百大DJ第7名、2006年百大DJ第15名,Renaissance厂牌力捧的南美阿根廷新生代电舞宗师Hernan Cattaneo,在短短数年间异军突起,在各大电音好手与前辈环伺的百大DJ排行榜中窜出,似乎天生就是吃DJ这行饭的他,在十多年前因缘际会下从朋友身边接触了由纽约带回的黑胶唱片后,开启了他通往DJ的大门。然而被Perfecto厂牌创办人暨知名DJ Paul Oakenfold收纳旗下,于02年所发表的个人首张混音辑《Perfecto Pres. Hernan Cattaneo-South America》,则曙光乍现开启他挥洒自成一格的优雅浪漫前卫浩室格局。 \r 04年开始Hernan Cattaneo受Renaissance厂牌网罗,发行的个人首张“Renaissance-The Masters Series”为他一举豪夺年终百大DJ第6名,而相继一年后的《Renaissance-The Masters Series: Hernan Cattaneo Vol. 2》,与去年Renaissance厂牌特地为Hernan Cattaneo打造的个人混音辑《Sequential》,则是继当代英伦传奇DJ John Digeweed后于此厂牌拥有个人系列混音选的新生代代表人物,由此可知,Hernan Cattaneo的电音宗师地位更为明确。\r \r 如今,睽违一年《Sequential Vol. 2》再起,并带著全球巡回后的宏观视野及不拘泥于传统型式的前卫浩室风情,以优雅华丽Progressive景致为基调完美融入Deep/Tech/Electro等电舞物种的后Progressive House格局。并与来自世界各地诸如以色列的Chaim、罗马尼亚的Livio & Roby等不为人熟知的杰出电音创作人才合作,交出足能与欧陆名家分庭抗礼的电舞作品,平衡且明确演绎出Hernan Cattaneo特有的电舞诗歌才情。CD1开幕曲〈Sweep〉再经由Hernan Cattaneo与录音室伙伴John Tonks重新炮制后,静谧空灵的情境氛围与背景女Vocal所吞吐出情绪铺陈,彷彿就像骤雨来临前空气中布满零星水气分子的幽闭感,而隐身遁出的低音重拍逐渐由弱转强的细腻混音手法,逐一勾勒出抽象不著边际的音乐蓝图。除此之外,近来出现于《GU31 Taipei》与《Renaissance Pres. Nic Fanciulli Vol. 2》中的Francois Du Bois〈I Try〉一曲,则是经由Nic Fanciulli加持过后的全新版本。而乐迷们所熟知的16 Bit Lolitas、Marco Bailey、Kosmas Epsilon等名家亦都纷纷尽出为其抬轿,并随著专辑时间的行进,愈能感受到兼容细微电气颗粒、放肆电流乱窜与恣情挥洒于弹指之间收放自如的稳健混音功架。承接起CD1末曲舞池情绪的CD2开场Oliverio〈The Second Angel Is Here (Sequential Mix)〉,随著乖张放肆的节拍亦步亦趋的朝向舞池前来。之后接棒的Spencer Parker〈Neon (Guy Gerber & David K Mix)〉与James Harcourt〈Arachnofunk〉则一举推向Electro/Tech House的局面,再交由希腊电气创作人Steve Mill〈Lia〉一曲拉回至Progressive的步伐,整张Set就在这样Deep/Tech/Electro/Progressive错综交置的行进间挑逗著听觉神经、触发起深层的跳舞基因。假若说性感、挑逗、浪漫、热情、诱惑是阿根廷人与生俱来的音乐人文风情,那么Hernan Cattaneo应是当中的个中翘楚,毫无疑问的,身为一位优雅浪漫的诗人DJ,与赐予人欲望的魔术师。\r \r by Jason Birchmeier\r Argentina's most world-renowned superclub DJ, Hernán Cattáneo is considered in the same class as Paul Oakenfold, John Digweed, Danny Tenaglia, Danny Howells, Sasha, Satoshi Tomiie, and other such globe-trotters, and accordingly he has mixed CDs for the highly regarded Renaissance series and has spun at such premier events as Coachella. Born in Buenos Aires, Cattáneo grew up listening to European synth pop acts of the 1980s such as Depeche Mode and New Order. He was first turned on to Chicago house in 1987 when a friend of his brought back some 12" records from Vinylmania during a trip to New York. This music, as well as Detroit techno from the same late-'80s era (e.g., Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Juan Atkins), influenced Cattáneo greatly and inspired him to become a DJ himself. \r \r By the mid-'90s, Cattáneo had become a resident at Clubland -- arguably the premier superclub of Buenos Aires, where he met and befriended visiting colleagues such as Paul Oakenfold and Danny Tenaglia -- and was awarded DJ of the Year honors locally in 1996 and 1997. A mix CD, Clubland, was released in 1999 to commemorate his long-standing association with the superclub, which had grown in international stature as he had. During the late '90s Cattáneo's collegiality paid off when was invited to tour with Oakenfold on several occasions and, in turn, was signed to the British superstar DJ's label, Perfecto. Cattáneo made his label debut in 2001 with "Deep Funk," a production that proved popular, showing up on several mix CDs, including Sander Kleinenberg's Global Underground: Nubreed (2001), and he also did some remixes for Perfecto that year as well. Subsequently, Cattáneo did some further production work for Perfecto ("Satellites," 2002; "Hubbub," 2003) and also compiled the double-disc mix CD South America (2002), his first internationally released official mix. \r \r By this point in time, Cattáneo had become a world-renowned DJ and was regularly traveling internationally to perform at superclubs and festivals; in particular, he was awarded a Cream residency in Liverpool as well as Ibiza. A couple years later, he commenced yet another partnership, joining the stable of DJs affiliated with Renaissance, the United Kingdom's longest-running superclub, based in Nottingham. Renaissance: The Master Series (2004) was the first mix CD to result from the partnership; successive volumes followed, including Renaissance: The Master Series, Vol. 2 (2005), Renaissance Presents: Sequential (2006), and Renaissance Presents: Sequential, Vol. 2 (2007). He also continued to release occasional production and remix work, generally in partnership with either Martin Garcia or John Tonks, and somehow found time to host a weekly radio show, Metrodance, on 95.1 FM in Buenos Aires every Saturday night for years.\r

