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The La's

小简介\r 90年代英式吉他范本的乐队\r 在90年出了一张专辑后匆匆解散\r 但,正是这张专辑,却俨然站在了最顶峰的位置\r 精致,流畅,欢快,感性\r the la's的同名绝对是一张永存的专辑\r 不管过去多少年\r 我们总能从他的跳跃的音符中感受到对于90年代一班乐队的影响\r \r 个人把此张专辑的成就等同于beatles的white album\r 至少在我看来,他们都是那种打破了时间界限的唱片\r 无论光阴如何远流,那深深的感染力却永不会褪色\r 80年代末90年代初是自60年代末70年代初以来的另一个高峰\r 他留给了我们无数经典的名字,这里面一定包括the la's\r 他们代表的是阳光,是灿烂,是勇气,是真挚\r 音乐能做到这些,足矣~\r \r \r 可幸的是\r 他们并没消失\r john power带来了至少是我非常喜欢的cast,4张专辑勾勒了the la's的延续\r lee mavers也在新千年发掘了the crescent\r by Stephen Thomas Erlewine\r When the Las released their debut album in 1990, it made immediate waves in the British pop scene, as well as American college radio. Drawing from the hook-laden, ringing guitars of mid-60s British pop as well as the post-punk pop of the Smiths, the Las self-titled first album had a timeless, classic feel. It seemed like effortless music, yet that was not the case. From their inception in 1986, lead singer/guitarist/songwriter Lee Mavers was a perfectionist with a nearly obsessive eye for detail. Consequently, the Las were never able to totally fulfill their promise.\r \r Mavers formed the group in Liverpool with bassist John Power, guitarist Paul Hemmings, and drummer John Timson. On the strength of their demo tapes, Go! Discs signed the band in 1987, releasing the single Way Out; it received good reviews, yet it wasnt a chart success. Similarly, the following years There She Goes received good press yet stalled on the charts. With a new lineup featuring bassist James Joyce, guitarist Cammy (born Peter James Camell), and Lees brother Neil on drums, the Las began recording their debut album that same year. The record didnt appear until 1990. Even though Mavers claimed it was rush released, the Steve Lillywhite-produced The Las received glowing reviews and strong sales; a re-released There She Goes entered the U.K. Top 20 and hit number 49 in America. For most of 1991, the band was on tour. At the end of the year, they went back to the studio to record their follow-up. This time, Mavers was in complete control and he took his time to perfect the album, re-recording tracks and rewriting songs. The Las disappeared without a trace from the pop music scene. Mavers and a reconstituted band resurfaced in the spring of 1995, playing a handful of supporting concerts that featured a couple of new songs.\r

