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Caedmon's Call

98年得到美国基督教音乐奖DOVE-AWARDS的Caedmon's Call,儼然是基督教音乐界的《另类摩登摇滚》代言人,他们的专辑受到这两年《敬拜音乐》大行其道的影响,强调应用摇滚的形式与精神,回应上帝最起初对他们的呼召,回归教会的敬拜传统, Caedmon's Call曲风柔和,男女主唱的声音都很有特点。配器也十分讲究,他们的歌曲以描写旅人思乡之情为主,风格朴实简练。Caedmon's Call 是1993年成立的一个音乐组合。 他们的大部分作品都是赞美上帝的christian songs。其中成员之一的Cliff Young的父兄都是非常成功的Pastor。为乐队取名Caedmon's call源于一个传说。据说七世纪的时候有一个名叫Caedmon的和尚,他总是试图避开在公众场合下唱歌,因为他觉得自己没有音乐天赋。直到有一天,他听到了上帝对他的呼唤,希望他能放开歌喉去唱。Caedmon的第一反映就是因为胆怯而拒绝。但是最终他决定听从上帝的指引。奇迹出现了,他竟然唱出了从来没有过的优美的歌声。Caedmon's call意为上帝呼唤的歌曲。 他们的作品和Caedmon的歌声一样, 把赞美上帝的歌曲写得美丽,真挚。by Stephen Thomas ErlewineCaedmon's Call is a CCM band that fuses folk-rock with adult alternative rock influences. Cliff Young (vocals, rhythm guitar), Derek Webb (lead guitar, vocals), Danielle Glenn (vocals), Aric Nitzberg (bass), Todd Bragg (drums), Randy Holsapple (organ), and Garett Buell (percussion) formed the Houston, TX-based band at Texas Christian University in the summer of 1992. The group originally included Aaron Tate, who left the band shortly after its formation, but he continued to write songs with Young. After spending some time playing locally, Caedmon's Call began touring college campuses across the South, steadily building up a dedicated following of young Gen-X singles. Caedmon's Call self-released their first album in June of 1994. In August of 1995, they released their second record. Both independently released albums sold over 10,000 copies apiece, and were distributed in Canada and the U.K. as well as America. The two albums, plus their live shows, led Musician magazine to call Caedmon's Call one of the best unsigned bands in America. Such grassroots success attracted the attention of Warner Bros., which signed Caedmon's Call in 1996 and released their major-label debut, the Don McCollister-produced Caedmon's Call, in the spring of 1997. Long Line of Leavers was issued three years later, and despite a good reaction from their fan base, it signaled to the bandmembers that they desired more control over their sound. The next year, In the Company of Angels: A Call to Worship was recorded by the band, and its success in the Christian market led to their highest sales yet. When the album was nominated for several Dove Awards, Caedmon's Call decided to continue to produce their own material and recorded Back Home in 2002. Released the following spring, the band hit the road with Jars of Clay to promote the release. In 2004 the anthology Chronicles 1992-2004 was released, as well as a new collection of songs called Share the Well. In the Company of Angels II: The World Will Sing arrived in March of 2006.

