

由主唱Stephen Christian、吉他手 Joseph Milligan、 Nathan Strayer、贝斯 Deon Rexroat、鼓手 Nathan Young,2001年成军于美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多市,他们靠著一张收录五首作品的试唱带,成功吸引西雅图独立厂牌Tooth & Nail的注意,并在2002年成为其旗下一员。乐队的名字Anberlin是主唱Stephen Christian原本打算为他自己女儿所起的名字,虽然乐队中没有任何人已婚或是有孩子的... 2003年Anberlin发表首张大碟《Blueprints for the Black Market》后,与打倒男孩(Fall Out Boy)、风云人物(Story of the Year)及 我的另类罗曼史(My Chemical Romance)等乐团一同巡回演出,联手新一代的摇滚盛世,为乐坛带来一波波的高潮与希望。Anberlin的团员皆是虔诚的基督教徒,创作也总是传递积极正面正面的人生观,他们却不甘被归类为Christian Rock/Punk的一员。就Christian Rock权威网站Christianitytoday.com对他们的描述,Anberlin精采多元的音乐表现,确实突破狭隘的音乐分类。该网站认为Anberlin的音乐与Interpol、Joy Division及The Smiths一脉相承,却又有The Fray、Panic! At the Disco等新乐团的流行潜质。 2005年第二张专辑《Never Take Friendship Personal》问世后,Anberlin这个名字承载更多乐迷与专业媒体的期望,All Music Guide便给予四颗星优质肯定。 相隔两年后Anberlin回来了,流畅悦耳的旋律铺陈、爆发力十足的摇滚力道再加上善感敏锐的歌词创作,《Cities》是他们第三张录音室专辑,也是宣告乐队属于巅峰时期的最佳证明。主唱Stephen Christian的嗓音依旧飞腾昂扬,〈Godspeed〉、〈A Whisper and a Clamor〉有着今日摇滚乐队必备的激情与霸气;〈The Unwinding Cable Car〉以原音吉他与简单合音紧扣人心;〈There Is No Mathematics to Love and Loss〉与〈Alexithymia〉深具Jimmy Eat World的爽朗威猛风范。 2007年11月乐队再度推出新专辑《Lost Songs》,封面很简单,给人感觉很乾净,跟整张专辑的曲风和搭配。 视听之后感觉很合胃口,特别配乐的吉他,真是悦耳,狂野的氛围之中不忘旋律的铺陈。其中收录了曾在《Punk Goes 90s》 专辑中收录的翻唱Depeche Mode的《Enjoy the Silence》,以及乐队向Radiohead致敬而翻唱的《creep》。 by Johnny Loftus Orlando, FL's Anberlin formed out of various other area projects, including the Christian punk outfit SaGoh (Servants After God's Own Heart). Led by the soaring vocals of Stephen Christian, the positive-thinking Anberlin also included Joseph Milligan (guitar), Nathan Young (drums), Joey Bruce (guitar), and Deon Rexroat (bass), and presented an alternative pop/rock sound that, while inflected with the earnestness of emo, was closer to the mature stylings of Third Eye Blind. A five-song demo landed them the attention of Seattle indie Tooth & Nail; signed in 2002, the band's debut, Blueprints for the Black Market, appeared in May 2003, and Anberlin supported it on shows with bands like Fall Out Boy and Story of the Year. Second guitarist Nathan Strayer later joined up, and the guys followed up in February 2005 with Never Take Friendship Personal. Their third record, Cities, appeared two years later, debuting at #19 on the Billboard charts. Soon after its release, Strayer made his exit and was replaced by former Acceptance guitarist Christian McAlhaney.

