

D-wayne has an exceptional awareness of music and the nuances of musical styles. He is able to detect nuances in music that others do not hear and has a very strong feeling for rhythm.\r \r At a young age he began experimenting with various music styles that resulted in a strong preference for Housemusic which he plays through all its genres.\r \r In 2007 he began to provide the music at small parties and his reputation grew. He continued to receive positive feedback on the music he chose to play and how he strung the numbers together. Often he got a very positive response of popular deejays to sets he sent them as well as tips to help him develop his style.\r \r In autumn 2008 he was given the opportunity to prove himself by playing at a trendy clothes store (that store is known for being a springboard for young up and coming deejays starting their careers). Shortly afterwards he was asked to DJ at a popular bar in the centre of Eindhoven. Here it was obvious that he had developed a high level of musical maturity, the crowd reacted very positively to his DJ style and the numbers he chose to play.\r \r He had his first performance at a major event for more than thousand teenagers at pop venue De Effenaar in Eindhoven in December 2008. Although still a ‘rookie’ he demonstrated to everyone that he had a lot of talent and potential. Since that moment he performs very frequent at large events countrywide.\r \r In 2009, nearly a half year after his first public performance, D-wayne was also been able to gain exposure at several 18+ events and a big outdoor festival. Again he proved that he is exceptionally talented and continually expanding his repertoire. From that moment on he is also being asked to DJ more and more at 18+ clubs and for 18+ events.\r \r In 2010 he performed on talent stages in the line up of four well known outdoor festivals including 7th Sunday Festival, Daydream Festival in Belgium and Gigadance Festival. At the latter he was even given the opportunity to perform as stand in on mainstage.

