No Doubts No Borders

No Doubts No Borders

Quincy Moreland a.k.a Conte is one of the most gifted and blessed Christian Rappers to come out of the Sacramento area in a long time. Living in his own world full of sin, lust, and violence; it all quickly came to a complete stop, ending in a series of four car crashes! It did not take long for him to realized that God had been protecting him all along.

Being tired of the hurt and pain; Finally letting go Conte gave his life to Christ and chose to submit to the calling God gave him, and to do his part in advancing the kingdom of heaven. Since the early ninety's Conte has been perfecting his God given talents, while ministering at numerous churches and venues throughout the northern, Ca area. Conte has had the awesome privilege of working with many other Gospel artist and continues to network with others as he is led by the Lord.

His vision and purpose is to reach all ages, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ; To help teens from all walks of life see that their is a better way; and that way is through the Son!
