

Sienná is a freestyle electronica-club-jazz artist from Kyoto, Japan who is based in Norway. She is a componist, keyboardist & vocalist who was discovered by ABON - a genuine multi-talent and a long-time collaborator of Norwegian guitar maestro RONNI LE TEKRO (TNT, RYPDAL & TEKRO etc.)

AMBIENCE is her debut EP - released from Norwegian electronica-hiphop label ABON RECORDS in 2005. Since her debut, she has been described as \"an oriental version of Goldfrapp, Eat Static & The Future Sound of London\".

In addition, she has provided license for world\'s major electronic company Philips Electronics - together with her colleagues at BENT MUSIC ( based in Toronto, Canada. One of her tracks was pre-loaded on Philips MP3 players & audio-devices which were distributed worldwide in 2006. It was also demonstrated in stores on worldwide campaign for Philips recent MP3 product GO GEAR.

The EP has also been featured on, Playback Magazine (St.Louis, USA), Luver Radio (San Fr
