

Born and raised in Birmingham, England of Jamaican parents, Julie Dexter is a world-renowned singer/songwriter who is at the forefront of the international Nu-Soul movement. A classically trained musician who writes, arranges, and produces, Julie has received numerous international awards and honors and is widely regarded as a musical prodigy.

Mentored by jazz pioneer Gary Crosby, Julie teamed up with members of the London jazz group Tomorrow's Warriors and later formed J-Life along with Jason Yarde. Julie was asked by the British Council to serve as one of Great Britain's official ambassador's of music with the award winning band J-life. They served as official envoys of the British Council from 1997-1999, touring Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America on a state-sponsored mission to promote goodwill among nations through music.

Although Julie has taken top-prize at the European Jazz Festival for her skills as a jazz-vocalist and is listed as a distinguished member of the Jazz community in The Rough Gui
