Balance 016

Balance 016

by Ned RaggettAgoria's contribution to the Balance mix series is definitely one aimed seemingly at contemplation more than groove-shaking, based on a cursory overview of the artists featured. (Perhaps not for nothing is the cover art a portrayal of someone whose head appears swathed in gauze.) But a strict ambient or Balearic disco mix this is not. If anything, it's one of the broadest samplings around covering what that term can mean, from the introductory serene swell of Gregg Kowalsky's "Ashes from Evermore" to Bibio's funk reworking "Jealous of Roses" to LCD Soundsystem's "45'33"," as showcased via a selection of the Trus'me remix. Agoria's ear for bringing in earlier pioneers such as Aphrodite's Child is laudable but the … Read more
