Cross Country Tour: 1958-1961[LIVE]

Cross Country Tour: 1958-1961[LIVE]

Ahmad Jamal出道很早,虽然名气不大,但是却的的确确影响了不少乐手,比如老迈。他也是少数几个能在Bop年代仍然保持自己独有的音色,而听上去不怎么Bud Powell的钢琴手之一。
这套2cd收录了他在Argo期间的一些最精彩的三重奏录音,包括最著名的那张At The Pershing: But Not For Me。Jamal在Argo的专辑及难找,所以这套片子也算是不错的选择了

"This two-CD set has highlights from pianist Ahmad Jamal's famous trio dates for Argo, with selections drawn from At the Pershing, At the Pershing Vol. 2, Portfolio of Ahmad Jamal, Alhambra, and At the Blackhawk, plus one selection only out before in a sampler. It is a pity that the five valuable albums were not reissued in full on a three-CD set, for these were among the most important recordings of Jamal's career. His trio (with bassist Israel Crosby and drummer Vernel Fournier) had a unique sound, utilizing close communication and dynamics to an extraordinary degree. "Poinciana" was a huge hit, and other highlights included on this twofer include "But Not for Me," "Cherokee," "Billy Boy," "This Can't Be Love" and "Falling In Love With Love." Although easily recommended as an introduction to this classic group, the preferred complete sessions will hopefully appear on CD someday too."
- Scott Yarnow, allmusic
