Word (feat. DAICHI & SHIO)

Word (feat. DAICHI & SHIO)

This song is based on a true story of one of La Fleur members who was unable to attend school and expelled from school by school bullying.

Word we speak has an infinite power whether good or bad.
These days, in this era in which there is an possibility to take anyone's life by their thumb using SNS, we really want to tell people how scary "VIOLENCE OF WORD" is.

As you can see in this lyric, on the earth more than a million of creatures are living.
However, word is the special thing which only human has.
In our activity through any SNS tool, we sometimes find words hurting anyone.
Word is not a tool for hurting a man.

In this time, DAICHI and SHIO cooperated with us and sing together.
We really wish this song will reach many people in this world.
Moreover, we hope much brighter future for us.


