

The series 4 About 4 are a group of 4 note pieces that explore the fact that 4 notes can be arranged only twenty four ways without repeating a note. After an arrangement of four notes is used it cannot be used again.

3 about 3 is similar but is further restricted by the fact that three notes can only be arranged six ways.

The original idea, and pieces composed in this manner, come from 1991 as a composition undergrad and were re-explored starting in 2010.

Each piece in the Intervals for Orchestra (inspired by Bartok’s Mikrokosmos) strictly uses only two intervals to create its melodies. Less strictly, its harmonies are created by stackings of the two intervals. Composition began in 1991 as a young man and completed in 2017 with the same spirit as that young man.

All pieces are attempts to create meaning and beauty in spite of arbitrary rules and restrictions - a musical metaphor for those who seek freedom in an unfree world.

Performed and recoded by Matthew Reid

Matthew Reid is a multiple award-winning
