The Life

The Life

HEATHER EVANS is one of the most accomplished songwriters you’ve probably never heard of. Her music has been played on the radio, featured on CNN and appeared in commercials for Mitsubishi and Powerplant Studios. She’s performed the national anthem at a rally for former President Barrack Obama, opened for bands like Sixpence None The Richer and Andrew Belle, and several songs from her first album Impatient Heart (recorded when she was just 17) were featured on MTV’s Laguna Beach.

But two years ago Evans put away her guitar and packed up her suitcase as she and her family—husband, Brett, and two kids, Trust and Story, moved from Columbus, Ohio to Sacramento, Calif. The Evans made the move to be closer to family, but it was a difficult transition. “It didn’t go exactly as planned and it was difficult at times,” Evans said. “We all lived in a house with my sister and brother-in-law until my husband found a job and for a while we were really just living on faith and hope that it would all work out.”

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