Flesh / Panzer Cyborg

Flesh / Panzer Cyborg

UnitOvOne Recordings presents Panzer Incus Recordings - 002, this time diving darker into the abyss of the minds of Dan Wall and BrainPain. Dan Wall's "Flesh" is a cannibalistic onslaught of breaks, bass, and chaos easily leaving the listener obsessed with the taste of "Flesh". BrainPain storms the gates with a break beat battle beast in the form of "Panzer Cyborg". Wasting no time, "Panzer Cyborg" dives head first into sporadic and never ending edits, only to give the enemy a bit of breathing room with half tempo change ups leading right back into the endless attacks of audio terror. Together "Flesh" and "Panzer Cyborg" combine into yet another powerful chapter in the Panzer Incus saga.


