Welcome To Life EP

Welcome To Life EP

Out - JUNE 2011

This release has a very special meaning to Jeff & myself. On Valentines day 2011 my Grandmother left the earth and joined her brothers and sisters and husband (who died when my mom was 6) in the afterlife. She was 97 years old. She worked in a STEEL factory until her back became so weak she could not work at all after that. She raised my mother on her own and never even dated another man for the rest of her life. When I was born her life became dedicated to me and my happiness. She was the most humble person Ive ever known. She and Jeff were also very close. He wanted to see her when she was ill in the end but was not able to. I have to force myself to be happy for her to be in a better place. Her gain is greater than my loss.

Almost 1 month later on March 29th 2011, Life gave us a new breathe of life. Jeff Ferguson and Fabiola Lopez welcomed their baby girl Elise to life. A beautiful healthy baby girl has been sent to
Earth to replace the old soul with a new one. Amazing the coincidenc
