

First thing in the new year, I lost 2 my grandfathers.
I was really shocked, so it deleted my memories for few months.
Moreover, I refused to listen to music.

After few months, April came and then some new flowers started to bloom beautifully in my garden.
One of my grandfathers loved to grow flowers.
They are for his mother who died young, so he really cared about them even if the weather is rainy, stormy or snowy.

Now, I've undertaken to grow flowers he left.
However, if I asked him flowers or heard the story of his mother...
I wanted to know them, and I wanted him to tell me many stories...
I regret these things, so my last message for him was "Sorry".

The other lived in the next prefecture, not so far from my house.
Few years ago, he lost his wife.
If I had visited him more, he didn't feel loneliness.
He died suddenly, so I didn't know what I should do for him.
I couldn't do anything for him in his last moment.

Through their death, I noticed it is very important to communicate with people in our life.
To live our happy life, with them, we should laugh, share many things, grow up each other.
In this April, I decided to cherish people around me.

Someone said that this notice is the gift from my grandfathers.

In this April, cherry blooming, what do you decide for your life?
This song is for people who decided to start something new.


