

泰国知名天团 "Zeal" 2019神曲在Youtube点阅率高达7千万,也在 "The Guitar Mag Awards 2019" 获得评审团的青睐。也在某种机缘巧合邀请到了大马国民男神许佳麟Danny Koo 演唱这首歌曲的中文版本《我再也不想》

From the favorite best-know hit song 'Jeb Noy Tee Sud' from Zeal (Thai Famous Rock Band) that reaches more than 70 million views on YouTube now. Proven the success by winning the Best Choice Award of the Year from The Guitar Mag Awards 2019. The song also reached number one in Thailand top chart. Build up a collaboration with Danny Koo, Malaysian singer and influencer to sing this song in Chinese version which can assure you that he'll emotionally sing and express the feeling through this song as well as Zeal did it.


