Simply... Dizzy!

Simply... Dizzy!

"To describe the impact of Dizzy Gillespie - the godfather of Bebop - it Is best o quote Wynton Marsalis - a prolific trumpet player himself and one of the living legends of Jazz who frequently worked with Gillespie. Marsalis says: ""His playing showcases the importance of intelligence. His rhythmic sophistication was unequaled. He was a master of harmony—and fascinated with studying it. He took in all the music of his youth—from Roy Eldridge to Duke Ellington—and developed a unique style built on complex rhythm and harmony balanced by wit. Gillespie was so quick-minded, he could create an endless flow of ideas at unusually fast tempo. Nobody had ever even considered playing a trumpet that way, let alone had actually tried. All the musicians respected him because, in addition to outplaying everyone, he knew so much and was so generous with that knowledge...""


