Silver Anniversary Collection

Silver Anniversary Collection

It seems like only yesterday that I was graduating from college and trying to find a job in music education. The year was 1970, and I was already writing gospel music, for it was the love of my soul.

I finally found a job as a band director in the public schools, though I continued singing with my brother, Virgil, in a weekend quartet known as The Calvarymen of West Virginia. At that time, my wife, Linda, and I had no idea what was ahead in our lives for the next twenty-five years.

In 1975, after five years of teaching music education, I joined the Kingsmen Quartet of Asheville, NC. I spent the next four years traveling with them and having the "time of my life". In 1979 I felt that the Lord was leading me into a ministry a little different than quartet music. After much prayer, I began a solo ministry directed more toward the church. I had no definite plans other than just desiring to share my faith, experiences, and aspirations through music and testimony as the opportunity was given.

Since 1970, Linda and I have taken "one step at a time" or rather "one song at a time" as we have tried to follow the leadership of the Lord in our lives. A phrase from one of my favorite hymns states "tis Grace that's brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home."

I now travel in a bus with a great group of talented young men who enable me to do approximately 230 dates a year. However, there are some of you who remember the days that I pulled up to the church in a car or van and unloaded my own PA and records. Some of you may also recall the two back surgeries in 1981 and 1991 which seemed to bring into question whether or not I would be able to continue traveling. As with any ministry, there have been many problems and obstacles to overcome. If the Lord allows us to continue on we are certain to face more; however, I believe that if God calls you to minister, He will certainly empower you to accomplish that work.

I thank the Lord for the songs that He has given to me, and hope that this collection of some of my favorites from the past twenty-five years will be a blessing to you.

