

The ten tracks on the Love CD utilize various genres of American music to convey the project’s overall message. The opening track, “Love,” is a rhythmic positive message that embodies the entire theme of the album with its words: “Love is patient, love is kind, I am gonna let my love light shine. Where e’re you go, you’ll be on my mind.”. 

Interwoven throughout Love is a story about a child who runs away from his boring home life in search of freedom. Like the Prodigal Son’s journey in the Bible story, this child’s journey doesn’t turn out well. The heartbreaks and disappointments are expressed in the aggressive rock song “Angel.”  

The angel comes in the form of an old friend the child meets purely by happenstance who says these simple words, “We miss you.”  These three words change the child’s course because the child thought no one cared and that returning home would never be an option. The party that occurred when the Prodigal Son returned home in the Bible story also occurs in Love through the wo
