

Reviews from 2004's Sleepwalker record:

These little geniuses do nothing else but pop: intelligent, synthetic, emotional, delicate and twisted. Vincenzo Lorussa- Losing Today Magazine (..6), Rome, Italy

With music of this striking power right under our noses, the rest of America rock and its overwhelming mediocrity just lost its excuse. -Jack Rabid- The Big Takeover, Spring/Summer 2004 issue NYC

...electronic bleeps at play are promptly crushed by guitars... Magnus- who just might become college radios heroes of tomorrow. John D. Luerssen-

Magnus Portable Sun (Self released)

Some critics have labelled Chicago's Magnus as 'post-rock'. No such thing! If reference points are required, I would say the British rock scene of the early 80s - yeah, more like 'post-punk'! Heh. One caveat though, whilst one will certainly discern the influence of Echo & the Bunnymen, Teardrop Explodes, the Chameleons in tracks like "At the Edge of the Sea," "Pilot," "Go" to name but few, there i
