

In this work Marco Giaccaria had exclusively composed with a single computer using an improvised approach, fractals and some sampling, while Claudio Lodati had improvised with compositional attitudes.

Claudio Lodati: electric guitars

Marco Giaccaria: computer and recording devices

26 parts - total time: 48:01
All music performed and composed by Claudio Lodati and Marco Giaccaria.
Computer's tracks composed and recorded in Grugliasco (TO) between january 2000 and july 2002 by Marco Giaccaria.
Guitars' improvisations recorded in Grugliasco (TO), august 2002 by Marco Giaccaria.
Mixed by Marco Giaccaria and Claudio Lodati.

ALL INFO on the album dedicated page (www.musicamancina/albums/38.html).

Lupi was reviewed on "Alias" ​​no.23 (insert of the newspaper Il Manifesto) - 5 June 2004.

Interview (ITALIAN interview) with Marco Giaccaria:

Articolo tratto da "News Spettacolo" di Torino (5/11 dicembre 2003):
"LUPI" DI CLAUDIO LODATI E MARCO GIACCARIA (intervista di Francesca Ferrando)

È appena uscito "Lupi" (Mu
