Move Too Fast

Move Too Fast

Embers has become the moniker for composer/musician C. T. Reinebold's brand of downtempo words and music, which he's been writing in domestic obscurity for decades. The tracks on Move Too Fast represent some of his newest material, which will be featured in The End of the Beginning, the final collection of a trilogy he began writing and producing 20 years ago. The first collection of 11 songs in the trilogy, Rites for the Headless Horseman, is finished. The second collection, Blind Man's Bluff, is nearly complete.

If you had to describe Reinebold's music and recordings, you might take equal parts of mashed pop songwriting going back to the 1960's with a moderated modern downtempo rock vibe. If you connect Roy Orbison to Chris Isaak to Bryan Ferry, and Doors to Golden Palominos and the Cure, introduce them to Leonard Cohen and Thievery Corporation, and see who makes the first move.

On Move Too Fast you will hear distinctive beats. Brooding vocal melodies and enigmatic lyrics. Dueling Ibanez guitars, acoustic


