Same As Yesterday

Same As Yesterday

David King is a singer/songwriter from California’s Great Central Valley. Although trained in jazz and philharmonic orchestra, his style of music composition can be generally described as Rock Americana / Alternative with an occasional flavor of country. Musically, his guiding philosophy is that melody is king. Paul Osborne of Audio Dallas Recording Studio has said of David, “He writes great hooks and his melodies really stay with you”.

David has just recently released his debut album entitled “Same As Yesterday”. It was originally conceived as a project for his family and friends, a sort of “audio album” as opposed to a “photo album” to listen to over the years. This focus resulted in very sing-able melodies with strong lyrics and an interesting variation in the musical styles. When the recording was finished, the studio said “this is an incredible album” and encouraged David to have an independent label pick it up. It didn’t take long before a 2005 Grammy Award winning artist picked out three of t
