Courtyards and Fairgrounds

Courtyards and Fairgrounds

Courtyards and Fairgrounds is a collection of Mr. Reid’s compositions that evoke the sound of the Medieval and Renaissance eras.

The pieces were created using a mix of traditional and modern compositional methods. Some use authentic musical techniques and forms common from the twelfth to seventeenth century. You may hear echoes of Perotin, de Vitry, Machaut, Monteverdi and Palestrina. Others use more contemporary techniques while still evoking the sounds of the past. You may hear music that reminds you of Prokofiev, Arcana, Dead Can Dance - even Pink Floyd.

This eclecticism is one of the wonderful things about the album.
You never feel that the composer is repeating himself!
Every track has its own character and the track order was carefully composed to create the feeling of a complete story.

A gothic novel in music, if you will.

Many of the pieces were originally composed for plays of the Renaissance and Medieval eras, including Shakespeare's Othello and All's Well That Ends Well, Kyd's Spanish Traged
