Drum Solo On The Bumpers

Drum Solo On The Bumpers

Perhaps the most enigmatic rock band of the twin cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Florida's four members first began performing together in 1997. The group self-released two albums of unique, deceptively complex pop/rock: 1997's somewhat rough-edged Golden Sun Songbook, and 2000's smoother-sounding Drum Solo on the Bumpers. While the young band made some predictable missteps (which actually worked more in the band's favor by enhancing their seemingly off-the-cuff brilliance), both records remain superlative examples of pop and rock songwriting. Contemporaneously fun, poignant, and timeless, they remain largely undiscovered gems. Florida are a band unencumbered by any artistic pretensions or ego; the group shares songwriting and lead vocal duties, with guitarist Tony Mogelson supplying the majority of the songs. Amazingly, all four musicians display an uncanny ear for melody and a knack for creative playing. All are capable vocalists, and both albums featured three-part harmonies and well-placed brass accompani
