

"Having harnessed an album together while crawling every street corner in Glasgow searching for nightlife, lust and love – Glasgow based Black and White Boy has found a redemption and renaissance of culture and tonic wine in debut record Fragile.

Main proprietor and songwriter Andrew Nicol has really placed himself on display within the eleven tracks on show, portraying a youthful elegance that evolves into a matured vision of hindsight as the album progresses.

Leading up to the release of Fragile, Nicol openly expressed the resentment and dare it be said the fragility of his mindset writing the songs, which would become the mantra around the record.

Enunciated with a tuned down arrangement of clean sounding guitars and rasping vocals often compared to a breeding Ryan Adams, there is a resounding theme of heartbreak and isolation, which is so commonly found on an Adams record.

While Adams finds resolution in solace, there is no such reprieve to be discovered within the realms of Fragile, Nicol sings of li
