

After spending the better half of the '70s as an ersatz prog band given to Neal Schon's noodling, never-ending solos, low record sales, and muddling about on the marginal rock circuit, the members of Journey certainly welcomed the phenomenal chart success and arena tours that came their way in the late '70s. With Captured, a live double-disc from 1980, the newly crowned kings of AOR show off like a formerly fat girl at prom. "Separate Ways" and "Faithfully" were still a few years away, but the band had plenty of hits by this time and they blast through them all, including a blistering version of "Any Way You Want It." The band are in rare form and vocalist Steve Perry uses Captured as his coming out, while the thousands of diehards sweating in the blistering sun give the album an underlying hum of energy that tops even Perry's. 1973年成立于美国旧金山市的摇滚乐队Journey,1975年发行首张同名专辑,便以其偏向前卫摇滚的乐风在乐坛闯出名声,但由于他们的作品都以曲折复杂的爵士摇滚演奏曲为主轴,使得他们的头三张专辑虽都拥有稳定且不错的排行销售成绩,但却难免有些曲高和寡之憾。因此,Journey在不断地修正音乐方向,及历经成员的变动——尤其是主唱Steve Perry加入所产生的化学变化之后,终于在1978年以其第四张专辑、也是Steve Perry担任主唱的首张专辑《Infinity》打破了三年来的僵局,于一年内创下破百万张的销售纪录,自此Journey的名声与销售便双双地如扶摇直上。除了《Infinity》以及接下来的两张专辑《Captured》(1979)、《Departure》(1980)都创下发行一年内破全美百万及如今三白金的销售认证外,Journey更于1981年以专辑《Captured》拿下Billboard专辑排行冠军宝座,缔造了《Who's Crying Now》、《Don't Stop Believin'》、《Open Arms》连续3首排行Top 10畅销经典名曲,一举登上音乐巅峰,立足巨星行列。1987年,在为专辑促销的巡回演出结束之后,乐队解散了。主音歌手Steve Perry终日酗酒,并开始了毛病迭出的独唱生涯。键盘手Jonathan Cain与John Waite组建了Bad English乐队。1996年,在哥伦比亚唱片公司总裁的竭力推动下,乐队成员重新走到一起
