

Earth...Creatures eat sleep and mate
The rest is extra ask the man at the gate
Tangents of desire, gotta haves indeed
Luxurious treasures we have percieved as need
Disposable culture, it's ugly face
Trails and tribulations of endless waste
Getting too close, you just might catch it
Pick up your trash who else'll get it
Disappearing water fuels Solitice space
dominate destroying Mother Nature's Place
{All the clutters arround
A Clear path can't be found
Get your get up and go, Catch the OVERFLOW}
Who really knows the webs real address
A vast concept is anybodies guess
World's history archieved so real
Dreams of aspiration we can never feel
Technology loaded Wilkipedia
Logs of blogs, trivial multimedia
Simulated sims avatar names
Revel in success fantasy games
Remakes of redone remixes lost is creation
Auto delete communication
Phones and camera makes my computer crash
You can't empty all the internet trash
{}(solo-guitar blast)
Hoarding sacred piles of personal treasures
Trinket keepsakes
