Planet Gemini (Explicit)

Planet Gemini (Explicit)

"An adventure through a full range of emotional highs and lows with styles and moods spanning several select eras of rock's rich history." - The World Metal Alliance

Planet Gemini, the third album in the band's 8-year history, is Sachi's most ambitious project to date, taking about a year to write, self-produce and record. Sachi worked with engineer Rich Bruce of Vivid Tone Recordings, who also engineered Great White's 2008 release, "Back to the Rhythm". Sachi's album was recorded in July 2009 at Vinyl Red Studios in Ontario, Calif.

Like the book, the CD opens with the eerie, roaring sounds of a memory-modification tunnel and plunges head-long into the monstrous hard rock track "Fire In A Paper Tree," an analogy about how corruption preys on the weak.

Other tracks include the Doors-influenced, "My Valentine" and "Ghosts of Redemption", as well as some Black Sabbath-style metal in "Father of All" and "Godspeed". Themes of marriages strained by war, society's acceptance of mind-altering drugs and an alien civilization at odds over hiring American workers make "Planet Gemini" an album of modern relevance and insightful twists. And musically, it blends all of the band's influences from the 70s through the present, shining a light on both old and new sounds.
