Mujeres Con Palabra (Explicit)

Mujeres Con Palabra (Explicit)

We dedicate this testimony of flower and song (in xochitl in cuicatl) to Comandante Ramona, the Zapatista women, and all the women of the world who live and struggle; to the mothers, sisters, aunties, daughters, grandmothers, friends---the creators of life, art, song, laughter, and struggle. Today we reclaim our words, our voices, bodies, and lives---Our sovereignty for mother earth, for the future, and for the seven generations. Ofrecemos nuestra medicina para “un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos!” porque “Sin palabra no Existimos” (EZLN)
- In Lak’ Ech,Tu eres mi otro yo, You are my other me!

"I’ve known these mujeres for a long time. I was at the PRC (Popular Resource Center) for their first show. So I was honored to find that they wanted me to produce this album. I quickly rose to the occasion. I figured we would complete the project within 6-8 months. This project took a little over two years to record, mix, and master. It wasn’t the lack of creativity and artistic vision that stalled the project’s rel
