Fantasies Of A Street Artist

Fantasies Of A Street Artist

Justin Wilson is a “One-Man-Band”. The productions you hear from this album were all written, performed and programmed by Justin Wilson, with the exception of his guest artists (Megan Birdsall / Vocals – Kim Park / Sax – Sacha Phelps / Solo Violin and Jay Martinez / Vocals.) He lives in a world of creativity that is surrounded by life experiences influencing his music into a visual representation of his soul. With ever experience, it manifests in different ways and multi genres are needed to represent them. Justin Wilson’s record is not just an album of music, but a score of his life journey and the future that is just ahead. He wrote something for everybody on this album and we hope you’ll find something you love.

"When deciding what to write to help show what I can do with original productions, I developed the worst case of writers block. I didn’t know what to write because I had so many styles I wanted to show, so I did them all. This record is designed to be played from start to finish. It’s a concept al
