Sacred Sound for Meditation - EP

Sacred Sound for Meditation - EP

This group of recordings was my first effort, but some of the best. It was meant as an aid to meditation for those who have trouble entering the meditation state, and to expand on that once entered.

I wanted to create a meditation CD in accordance with information that I had received about how we should be meditating. First off, it is extermely important that we meditate a little every day. I have been doing at least 20 minutes each day, usually at the beginning of the day (and in the evening too, if you can).

Doing this practice, you will connect yourself to the now-rising energetics leading up to 2012 and beyond. We are going through a great shift in vibration right now, a spiritual experiment for the whole world and the whole Universe (nothing is seperate).

Meditation does so much for you. It centers, connects you to your soul and has an effect on the energy in you blood, creating a "spin" or higher conscoiusness in your body, whcih promotes better health. Not to mention the destressing ability --
