Mayan Days of Sound

Mayan Days of Sound

Hello, this is Craig. I have been creating music for many years and in many styles. I am also an astrologer and a freelance writer for Mind/Body/Spirit publications.

Lately I've been doing meditation music with healing intention, or sacred sound. I like to work with trancey sounds that get a person into the alpha state to intensify and deepen meditative states. This connects one to their soul and away from the mentality of logic and ego.

I always meditate before I record meditation music and hold an intention of imprinting healing and unconditional love while performing. I ask for guidance and to be a vessel. Sometimes I will use certain note-to-chakra correspondences, but usually I just start with the intention of the feeling I wish to convey, start playing, and it all works out.

This CD is intended to bring the listener back to their source through using the symbolism and imagery of each of the 20 Mayan glyphs. Each person is born under a certain sign for this lifetime. Each sign has meaning and informa
