Pain Inc (Explicit)

Pain Inc (Explicit)

One man, one face, one mind, many emotions. The Face creates music that spans the charts of "rock" and making it virtually impossible to put the music into a specific genre or style of rock… It's pure emotion at it's best (or worst, depending on the song)… Written from countless personal experiences mixed meticulously with imaginations and thoughts that "could-have-been" (but luckily weren't for the most part, lol)… ENJOY, DOWNLOAD, SHARE, REPEAT
The Face is Geremy Pepper on EVERYTHING (except where noted on the album).... Growing up in the Chicago area, Geremy became a music junkie at a very young age. His first instrument was drums at 9. Having the urge to expand his musical talents, he started teaching himself the piano and keyboard and then went on to master the guitar and bass. He also perfected his voice. In the first year of high school, he already had about 5 cassette tapes FULL of demos and random musical recordings. After high school, he attended the Madison Media Institute in Wisconsin, where he was trained in Audio Engineering and music technology. He continued to write and record song after song after song. Following his college stint, he was a short-lived soldier for the US Army. Due to personal problems, he was forced to leave. His brief military stint had an influence on his music, oddly enough. Lyrics were formulated that were far deeper and symbolic then anything he had previously written.
The Face has been in a few bands and has had a numerous amount of solo-projects. His bands include The 13th Son in school, Tear Gas, and his current side project band, Chaotic Hippie. Other aliases he has made music under are Bad Chester, DJ SINN, and G.U.N. (God's Unholy Nemesis).... To this day, though, his alias will ALWAYS and ONLY be The Face, a name he created when he was merely a child.
The Face is now a one man band, experimental artist who's goal is to touch EVERY kind of rock he can and infest your brain, making you become an addict to his brutal brew of ROCK.... A mix of MANY genres of music ALL created by yours truly..... EVERYTHING you hear is him, from the vocals to the guitars and even the bodily noise that may not have been edited out as well as they should have been. His goal is to reach his fingers into EVERY kind of rock genre there is so that he can not be labled as a genre. He EVENTUALLY want to have his own genre. This is all self-produced as well, so every ounce of energy and time went in to the making of this album. Enjoy!!!!
