Studio Sessions

Studio Sessions

Music is a gift that has long been enjoyed by humankind. It has inspired, moved, lifted, and stirred many a mind, heart and listening ear. D&J is a humble attempt by two young men to interpret, express, and share this gift with all those willing to listen. The formula is simple: Couple friends, a small red room filled with our equipment, our ideas, and our creativity.

The mission is clear: Produce a high quality, clean sound...That resonates...

The "D" in D&J:
Darrin has been writing, recording, mixing, and editing since he was a teenager. He grew up playing saxophone in school, and in high school he expanded to bass, and guitar. He grew up listening to the smooth jazz records his father always played on his stereo in the basement, or in the car. His credits that genre as to why his tracks have a bit of that "smooth" influence to them today, as he constantly heard Boney James, Richard Elliot, and Dave Koz records, "sometimes not by choice!" he says with slight chuckle. He has since gained influences
