Wall Dreams

Wall Dreams

Hey everyone out there in cyberland. My name is Joe Stone and I was born in 1977. (Have fun with the remedial math). I am an independent musician releasing my first real recording here on the internet, after lots of frustration dealing with record companies. This album was made for only $1,000 (not including equipment) at a home based studio in L.A. The music is alternative/rock led by the piano but harpsichord, Wurlitzer, and synthesizers make their appearances as well. I am hugely influenced from soundtracks by Elliot Goldenthal and Goblin and many more. My first 14 songs are pretty somber this time out. I think they are best to listen to in that soundtrack frame of mind. Feel free to create your own melodrama movie in your head. The album "Wall Dreams" deals with the themes of monsters (the human and the other kind) domestic turmoil, lost loves, lost lives and ends with the song "Pensacola" which is lyrically just a fluff song that is deigned to end the journey in a safe place. People are a lot more respo
