Easy Yoke

Easy Yoke

Recording for ‘Easy Yoke’ started in September 2012. “This has been my winter project,” says Joe, “I wanted to dust off a couple of old songs and present them a bit differently.” As well as featuring some of Joe’s older material, this album features some new tunes, too. “’Fun Woody Trail’ is a song I wrote about getting together with the girl who would later become my wife. I was living in London when we started dating, but I had a hunch that we were country-lovers at heart and might end up living out in the stix. Now we do indeed live in some woods, surrounded on every side by woody tracks-it’s amazing how these things work out!” Easy Yoke is the title track on the album, “This is a song I wrote years ago” comments Joe. “I just had a bad day one time and I thought ‘the Jesus I read of in the bible invites folk to come to him for an Easy Yoke….let’s write a lyric around that.’” ‘Loaded with Jesus’ and ‘Blood’ are both dedicated to the Saviour. ‘Cosmic Man’ expresses the same idea, albeit in a slightly alternative. There are also some older tunes on here; ‘Earl Grey’, King of the Party, ‘Punchline and ‘You Reign’. All re-worked and re-mastered.
