At War with the Code

At War with the Code

At War With The Code

The Third Helix

There is a moment of quiet as the machine, assuming victory, ceases its attack. Evelyn's digital data is secretly concealed in several different packets of data deep within the code. These lifeless bytes of information float deep into the third helix, past all the security measures, and descend deep into the machine where they will regroup, reassemble, and prepare for the coming battle.

A Still And Quiet Moment

Completely unaware that Evelyn's digital data has now invaded its code, the machine allocates its resources toward invading and infecting the outside world. During this time, Evelyn's data activate and study the patterns and movements of the destructive code. Through this, Evelyn is able to watch and learn, looking for vulnerabilities and weaknesses, to assess her first course of action. She waits patiently, allowing herself a still and quiet moment, and collects as much information as she can before reassembling and moving forward.

Forced Restart

Determined t
