Even Then

Even Then

Special thanks to those who make it possible for us to do what we do; Scott, Noah, Lillyanne, Caroline, our precious families, and especially our Mommas. Thanks to all our friends and ministers for having confidence in our ministry. Thanks to our home church, First Church of God - Dublin, for their continued love and support. We could not think of better people to serve alongside on this journey.

We want to be absolutely clear to give God all the glory. He is the source of our strength and all authority and power belongs to Him. We are not called to minister because we are great, but because He alone is great.

We long to be in the fullness of His presence and to be pure vessels in which He can dwell. We revere Him. We honor Him. It is our desire to fortify ourselves in Him; in His word, in prayer, in worship, and in praise. We simply want to lift Him up and to make His name known. Our desire is to become broken vessels of song unsung, to watch the Father, so tenderly, create the beauty of Christ w
