Healthy Kids Rock!

Healthy Kids Rock!

Hello! My name is Ryan Thomas, and I created Healthy Kids Rock as a way to combine two of my passions - music and health. Healthy Kids Rock aims to inspire children to embrace healthy lifestyles through music. Some of the themes explored include eating healthy, exercising, and the importance of personal hygiene. Every cent earned from Healthy Kids Rock is donated to children's hospitals and research facilities.

I enjoy performing these songs while visiting pediatric patients in hospitals across California. I also teach various musical instruments to children in these same hospitals. It truly is an honor to be able to use my musical background to create positive music for the youth population.

A little more about me: I first picked up a guitar when I was ten years old and haven't been able to put it down ever since! Two years ago, I graduated with honors from UCLA with a degree in Ethnomusicology and an emphasis in Jazz Studies and the Music Industry. After graduation, I taught middle school and high schoo
