Ruffled Skirts (feat. The Cajun Navy)

Ruffled Skirts (feat. The Cajun Navy)

John Schneider's beloved studio ranch in South Louisiana was hit by the devastating floods and like a "phoenix rising from the ashes", out of the sand & debris rises a renewed and inspired artist. This album "ruffled skirts" was recorded in his flooded home, where friends from all over appeared to help John realize is forgotten love of singing and storytelling.

John is not a "newbie' to the country scene, while enjoying over four #1 songs, ten Top 10's, and a #1 album, John has worked with the likes of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Alabama, Oak Ridge Boys, ConwayTwitty, just to name a few. John has a renewed love for storytelling, and "ruffled skirts' kicks of his maiden voyage.

Cajun Navy Band Member:
Nelson Blanchard
Joe Hudson
Randy Carpentar
David Hyde
Carol Berzas
Mark Duvelle Doyle
Bud (Dr Who) Carson

The Powell Girls are Lauren, Valerie, Olivia
