Me Cantas, Ma? Vol. 1: Canciones de Cuna

Me Cantas, Ma? Vol. 1: Canciones de Cuna

This compact disk will interest the public in general. Mothers can sing these cradle- songs to their babies in order to stimulate their physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological development. Anyone can relax and enjoy its music. The words of these songs, some slightly change, are found in the Mexican Children’s Lyrics. Instrumentation and composition are very attractive: Western culture (flute, cello, keyboard and piano), those of the hindu tradition (tabla and tambura) and those of Mexican heritage (coyolis, jarana, and ocarina), together with cymbals and simantra beautified by the magnificent voice of Nadia Ortega.

Since lullabies are the first music children hear, they shape their sensibility and are deeply engraved in their memory, reminding them of their childhood throughout their life. The lyrics of these Mexican cradle songs come to us from our parents and grandparents, inherited from the Hispanic culture, which has influenced México since colonial times.

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