A Poor Man's Labour

A Poor Man's Labour

Mick West Band
"a richly talented band with a
deep knowledge of their craft"

Mick West: Vocals
Frank McLaughlin: Guitar, Scottish Small pipes
Stevie Lawrence: Bouzouki, Mando-cello
Fraser Fifield: Sax,Whistles,Percussion.

The Mick West band combine one of the best voices in Scotland with three superb musicians to produce a sound rooted in the tradition, but delivered in a more modern setting. Performed with virtuosity, imagination and presence, this band have been described as "a must for any fan of Scottish song".

Mick West is considered one of Scotland's foremost exponents of Scottish song. He has toured extensively with his band, delighting audiences at home and abroad. Mick has always attracted top class musicians to collaborate with and to make the most of his warm, expressive voice. His new CD release brings together four musicians with a wealth of musical experience and ability to match.

Frank McLaughlin is a highly regarded guitarist and piper who has worked with many top musicians on th
