Division Street

Division Street

Mike Stevens was the guitarist and one of the songwriter/singers for Honky Tonk Chateau, but made this record on his own time. Mike recorded and played all of this music at the four-track junkman makeshift art and recording studio that he called his home on Division Street in Springfield, Missouri, then collaborated with co-producer Mark Bilyeu to mix it all down. The result could be described as Lo-Fi indie roots singer-songwriter music, a classification as unique as the music itself. Mike’s songs are an extension of his worldliness, loneliness, drunkenness, and his lust-affair with life itself.

"Mike licked the bottom of worn shag rug to uncover the wondrous elegance of classic American songwriting. There is no artifice, only glory." - Mark De Gli Antoni of Soul Coughing

“Absolutely love the Mike Stevens record” – William Higgins, Black Dog Records

“I obsessively love Mike’s disk!” – Stephanie Dosen, singer-songwriter
