Pictures of Kodály

Pictures of Kodály

Although less renowned as a composer than his colleague and frien Bela Bartok, Zoltan Kodaly (1882-1967) was perhaps the finest exponent of the compositional paradigm of grounding classical music firmly in folk tradition. Western culture discovered his music belatedly, but early in the XXth Century Kodaly searched for links between Hungarian, Slovakian, Romanian and Bulgarian folk melodies and the western European music culture and tradition, displaying those connections and interactions to his audience. Jesus es a Kufarok seems to encapsulate the Catholic expressive faith from a Hungarian perspective. Oregek underlines one of the most universal limits, the final stages of everybody's life. Matrai Kepek, composeed in 1931 is an astonishingly beautiful and engaging description of provincial life. Missa Breves, evocative at once of both Western and Eastern traditions, elicits emotions both transcendental and basic while providing elaborate grist for the most refined intellectual pleasure. The music is sung in its original language, Hungarian and Latin.
