An Owl's Tale

An Owl's Tale

For me, this album is about a journey of evolution told trough sound. The past 10 years of my life have taken me on a long, arduous, bittersweet yet blissful ride as I pursue my dreams. My surroundings and life experiences are weaved into the sound collage that has become this project. Audio, synth, live instrumentation and a mixture of electronic toys were my tools to express my perspective. This is an instrumental album with minimal words simply to allow you, the listener, to hear and feel the music as it speaks to you in its pure form without the powerful influence that words can have in framing thoughts. This will leave the imagination open and allow you to create and interpret freely creating your own story based solely on the way the music makes you feel. The intention and focus of this album is to help take the listener on their own journey through the vibrations of sound; not only to hear the music but to feel the vibrations resonate within them, to communicate with the soul.
